Special Gathering Stories

Books and articles written for and by the mentally challenged community

Archive for reading material for developmentally disabled

The Elder Son–Chapter 2

This book began on June 24.  You will want to go there to start this book.

by E. Williams

I remembered the years we had all camped out in the mountains by a lake.  We’d had such fun hiking and climbing, and Dad had taught us to fish.  The next year we’d gone to the beach and played in the surf and looked for seashells.

Even when we stayed home, we had good times.  The church was the center of our lives, and we all believed in Jesus.

I hadn’t taken all my blessings for granted, either.  Every night I had thanked God in my prayers for such wonderful parents and for a brother like Ron and a sister like Janet.

She is only fifteen months older than I am.  Until the trouble started, I’d always thought her the perfect big sister.  We had gone to the same school, been in the same youth group and sang in the junior choir at church.  We had shared toys when we were little and traded clothes as we grew older. We had never had a bad fight.

I tried to remember when Janet had started to change.  The day after her sixteenth birthday party was the first time I had noticed anything wrong.  If there were earlier signs, our whole family had missed them.

I had needed help with a math problem, and I opened her door to see if she were there.  Even though her window was open, I smelled the smoke before I saw her.

“Something’s burning,” I said, and then I saw the cigarette in an ash tray on her dresser.  “Janet, are you smoking?”